Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Questions on the movie and books to see how much you know

All four sisters were born in September
  • True
  • False
  • 2
    Who does Lena say she is a little jealous of when talking to Kostos ?
  • Tibby
  • Bridget
  • Carmen
  • Effie
  • 3
    What does Bridget say she is going to do before running from her mother's funeral ?
  • Get out of the itchy dress
  • Go see how her dog is doing
  • Take off her heels
  • Cry alone
  • 4
    What is Bridget's dog's name ?
  • Molly
  • Maggie
  • Minnie
  • Misty
  • 5
    What was the 11th rule of the Sisterhood ?
  • The pants go to the girl in need in an emergency
  • They but a new pair of jeans in 5 yrs
  • You can never wear a red shirt w / the pants
  • The pants cannot be lent to anybody else
  • 6
    In one of the books, Tibby is saying what types of cars her friends would be, what does she say for herself ?
  • A boat
  • A buggy
  • A bike
  • A hot pink convertible
  • 7
    What is Kostos' last name ?
  • Dunes
  • Dunas
  • Dunche
  • Duch
  • 8
    Which of these things is different between the books and the movie ?
  • Carmen's biological parents are divorced
  • Tibby met Bailey
  • Lena's grandparents liked Kostos
  • Tibby worked at Wal Man's
  • 9
    Tibby describes her manager as
  • Rat faced
  • Pig headed
  • Nerd bomber
  • Fat geek
  • 10
    How does Tibby find out Bailey is sick ?
  • Bailey's mom
  • Bailey herself
  • Bailey's neighbor
  • Her mom
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong