Fan Quiz : The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants

How well do you know the movie and the characters ? Find out taking this little test.

Which sister stays home for the summer ?
  • Tibby
  • Lena
  • Carmen
  • Bridgette
  • 2
    Where does Tibby work ?
  • Wal Mart
  • Walmans
  • Walgreen's
  • K mart
  • 3
    Who is Bailey ?
  • Lena's dog
  • Carmen's future stepsister
  • Tibby's little sister
  • Tibby's friend who is sick
  • 4
    Bailey dies from an aneurysm
  • True
  • False
  • 5
    Who's mother dies and how ?
  • Tibby's, car wreck
  • Lena's, plane crash
  • Carmen's, cancer
  • Bridgette's, suicide
  • 6
    Who goes off to soccer camp for the summer ?
  • Bridgette
  • Lena
  • Carmen
  • Tibby
  • 7
    Who drives the girls to Carmen's dad's wedding ?
  • Tibby's mom
  • They fly
  • Lena
  • Bridgette
  • 8
    What does Tibby have on her head when Bailey passes out ?
  • A blue hat
  • A price sticker
  • A bandanna
  • A sombrero
  • 9
    Does Lena's grandparents finally consent her to see Kustos ?
  • Yes
  • No
  • 10
    Who rescues Lena from drowning ?
  • Her grandfather
  • Her grandmother
  • Kustos
  • A strange fisherman
  • 11
    How long had the sisters been friends ?
  • 8 years
  • 10 years
  • Their whole lives
  • 12 years
  • 12
    Who said it : "I'm not scared of dying. I'm scared of time... And not having enough of it." ?
  • Bailey
  • Carmen
  • Bridgette's mom
  • Lena
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong