Boy Meets World Episode Quotes

Do you really know the quotes
CREATED BYkatsopolis1

All quotes relate to the following 7 episodes: I dream of Feeny, The Happiest show on earth, Cult Fiction, Dangerous Secret, His Answer She's having my baby back ribs, Singled out
What episode has this, Cory, you could hire the blimp, fly over Florida, flashing my name in neon and it wouldn't mean a thing to me! ?
  • I dream of Feeny
  • The Happiest show on Earth
  • Cult Fiction
  • Dangerous secret
  • 2
    What episode has this quote, Well normally I would tell Shawn, but he already knows, unless he's just a complete idiot. ?
  • Cult Fiction
  • Dangerous Secret
  • His Answer
  • Singled out
  • 3
    What episode has this quote, She told me that she's in trouble and it's all your fault. Your waffles and butter did this to her! ?
  • She's having my baby back Ribs
  • I dream of Feeny
  • The best show on Earth
  • Cult Fiction
  • 4
    What episode has this quote, I've played sick so many times, that Feeny says if my grandma dies one more time, he wants to see the body! ?
  • Singled Out
  • She's having my baby back Ribs
  • I dream of Feeny
  • The best show on Earth
  • 5
    What episode has this quote, You mean like this: MY LIFE IS OVER! Like that ?
  • Dangerous Secret
  • His Answer
  • Singled Out
  • She's having my baby back Ribs
  • 6
    What episode has this quote, Oh Come on, he's at that age where it could be almost anything. I wouldn't even know how to guess. ?
  • Dangerous secret
  • His Answer
  • Singled out
  • She's having my baby back ribs
  • 7
    What episode has this quote, If I understand this correctly, girlfriends sleep together, bathe together, and see eachother NAKED! ?
  • Dangerous secret
  • His Answer
  • Singled out
  • She's having my baby back ribs
  • 8
    What episode has this quote, Why would Topanga confide in you instead of her own husband ?
  • His Answer
  • Singled Out
  • She's having my baby back ribs
  • I dream of Feeny
  • 9
    What episode has this quote, Even when I tried to pull their desks apart she kicked me and he bit me and one kid said, "Leave 'em alone, they should be married." ?
  • The Happiest show on earth
  • Cult Fiction
  • Dangerous Secret
  • His Answer
  • 10
    What episode has this quote, Yeah good for you that we're asleep. ?
  • Dangerous Secret
  • His Answer
  • Singled Out
  • She's having my baby back ribs
  • 11
    What episode has this quote, It's the same thing, only you can eat it! ?
  • His Answer
  • Singled Out
  • She's having my baby ribs
  • I dream of Feeny
  • 12
    What episode has this quote, Well... Did you believe in God ?
  • Cult Fiction
  • Singled Out
  • His Answer
  • I Dream of Feeny
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong