think you know the lyrics to green day songs ?

just a quiz to test your knowlege of green day lyrics
CREATED BYsuperstar1

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just make sure you know your green day song lyrics!( and mabye the meaning!)
the line from 21st century breakdown, "my town was blind from refinery sun" means...
  • absolutely nothing, its just part of the song.
  • the sun was really bright were Tre grew up.
  • Billie Joe grew up in a refinery town.
  • 2
    'about nothing and everything all at once' is from the song...
  • The grouch
  • Homecoming
  • Watsername
  • It's not from a green day song
  • Basket case
  • 3
    "I wanna know who's allowed to breed, all the dogs who never learned to read"Is from...
  • East Jesus nowhere
  • The grouch
  • American idiot
  • 4
    "forget me nots and second thoughts live in ___" what's the last word and the song it's from.
  • My mind, Watsername
  • Heaven, Wake me up when September ends
  • Isolation, Watsername
  • Isolation, We are the waiting
  • 5
    "I've decomposed yet my gut's getting fat, oh my God I'm turning out like my dad" is from...
  • American idiot
  • 21st century breakdown
  • The grouch
  • Warning
  • 6
    from the song warning: mental homes and safety cell communties.
  • True
  • False
  • 7
    "so far away, I don't wanna___" from homecoming
  • Leave
  • Walk
  • Sing
  • Stay
  • Go
  • 8
    "she is riding her bike like a fugitive of chemical mass" is from the song extraordinary girl.
  • True
  • False
  • 9
    "I'm having trouble trying to sleep..." is from the song jaded.
  • True
  • False
  • 10
    Standards set and __1__ all the time, control the __2__ behind a gun, rehab rejects still sniffing__3__, I'm a victim of a catch __4__.
  • 1) reset, 2) riots, 3) drugs, 4) 42
  • 1) broken, 2) riots, 3) glue, 4) 22
  • 1) broken, 2) chaos, 3) drugs, 4) 24
  • 1) reset, 2) chaos, 3) glue, 4) 42
  • 1) broken, 2) chaos, 3) glue, 4) 22
  • 1) broken, 2) chaos, 3) glue, 4) 42
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong