All about HP

Hard quiz about HP, only for fans, real names, birthdays.... Everything!

Everything is not necessarily in the books
What was Hermione's original surname ?
  • Jones
  • Finch
  • Jackson
  • Puckle
  • Prewett
  • Johnson
  • Kent
  • None of the above
  • 2
    What was Mrs Weasley's maiden name ?
  • Molly Jones
  • Molly Finch
  • Molly Jackson
  • Molly Puckle
  • Molly Prewett
  • Molly Johnson
  • Molly Kent
  • None of the above
  • 3
    How many brothers has Mr Weasley got ?
  • None
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 4
    When is Hermione's birthday ?
  • 1st January
  • 29th February
  • 24th August
  • 1st September
  • 19th September
  • 24th October
  • 31st October
  • None of the above
  • 5
    What's Ginny's real name ?
  • Virginia
  • Mary
  • May
  • Ginevra
  • Joanne
  • Jessica
  • 6
    How many times did they cut Nearly Headless Nick's neck ?
  • 23
  • 45
  • 86
  • 12
  • 73
  • 11
  • 50
  • 61
  • 7
    Crookshanks is half... What ?
  • Augurey
  • Plimpy
  • Erumpent
  • Pogrebin
  • Re'em
  • Kneazle
  • Runespoor
  • Horklump
  • 8
    When is Fred & George's birthday ?
  • 3rd June
  • 5th August
  • 9th May
  • 1st April
  • 31st October
  • 24th December
  • 6th July
  • 11th November
  • 9
    What's Hermione's middle name ?
  • Joanne
  • Jessica
  • Jane
  • Jasmin
  • Jennifer
  • Kate
  • Virginia
  • Sofia
  • 10
    What's the shape of Ron's patronus ?
  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Weasel
  • Horse
  • Stag
  • Hippopotamus
  • Dolphin
  • Rat
  • 11
    What's Ron's middle name ?
  • Arthur
  • Harry
  • Julius
  • Wulfric
  • Brian
  • Bilius
  • Charles
  • Vaughan
  • 12
    On what date did Voldemort kill Harry's parents ?
  • 2nd march
  • 6th April
  • 1st April
  • 8th December
  • 31st October
  • 29th April
  • 22nd June
  • 10th January
  • 13
    What's Harry's middle name ?
  • Julius
  • John
  • Joseph
  • Samuel
  • Brian
  • Sirius
  • Remus
  • None of the above
  • 14
    What shape does Hermione's patronus take ?
  • Cat
  • Dot
  • Horse
  • Otter
  • Newt
  • Snake
  • Spider
  • Eagle
  • 15
    An easy one... When's Harry's birthday ?
  • 1st January
  • 1st September
  • 31st June
  • 29th February
  • 25th December
  • 31st December
  • 24th December
  • None of the above
  • 16
    What's Ginny's middle name ?
  • Janet
  • Jane
  • Kate
  • Molly
  • Williarmina
  • Maria
  • Sofia
  • None of the above
  • 17
    What are Dumbledore's initials ?
  • A. M. T. R. D
  • A. K. W. H. D
  • D. A. A. B. D
  • D. T. S. R. D
  • A. M. W. H. D
  • A. P. W. B. D
  • A. L. K. S. T. D
  • A. H. W. K. D
  • 18
    When's Ron's birthday ?
  • 1st March
  • 4th January
  • 8th February
  • 10th July
  • 31st May
  • 15th September
  • 9th March
  • 4th July
  • 19
    How old was Sirius Black when he died ?
  • 22
  • 43
  • 34
  • 50
  • 38
  • 40
  • 45
  • 29
  • 20
    Ron's older than Harry and Hermione
  • True
  • False
  • 21
    Dumbledore has a brother
  • True
  • False
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong