The Color Purple

Questions on one of the greastest films of our time

How many siblings does Celie have?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 2
    What year is it when the film begins?
  • 1902
  • 1909
  • 1926
  • 1918
  • 3
    What name is given to Celie's daughter by her new parents?
  • Olivia
  • Susan
  • Nettie
  • Pauline
  • 4
    Finish this line: "Nothing but death ____"
  • "Can harm me"
  • "Can keep me from her"
  • "Will stop me"
  • "Will unite us"
  • 5
    What gender are Alberts three children?
  • 3 boys
  • 2 boys, 1girl
  • 2 girls, 1 boy
  • 3 girls
  • 6
    Who directed the film?
  • Ridley Scott
  • George Lucas
  • James Cameron
  • Steven Speilburg
  • 7
    Why does Nettie come to stay with Celie?
  • She couldn't keep their pa off her
  • She wanted her own room
  • Her pa had promised her to a man she didn't love
  • She was pregnant
  • 8
    Who is the father of Celie's two children?
  • Albert
  • Celie's father
  • Celie's step-father
  • Harpo
  • 9
    Finish this line: "I may be poor, black, I may even be ugly, but____"
  • "So are you, Albert, so are you"
  • "Dear God, I'm here"
  • "Dear God, this is me"
  • "None of that matter now"
  • 10
    What does Squeak say her real name is?
  • Mary Agnes
  • Isabel Johnson
  • Squeak
  • Carol Jones
  • 11
    Why is Sophia put in jail?
  • She killed someone
  • She refused to be Ms. Millys maid
  • She spat in the face of a white man
  • She hit a white man
  • 12
    How long is she imprisioned for?
  • 2 years
  • 4 years
  • 6 years
  • 8 years
  • 13
    What time does Ms. Milly say she'll pick up Sophia on Christmas day?
  • 4 o'clock
  • 5 o'clock
  • 6 o'clock
  • 7 o'clock
  • 14
    Where did Albert hide the letters from Nettie?
  • Under a floorboard
  • In a chest
  • Inside his mattress
  • In his top draw
  • 15
    Where has Nettie been living all these years?
  • North America
  • England
  • Africa
  • Mississippi
  • 16
    What does Celie do after breaking free of Albert?
  • Starts a singing career
  • Opens a trouser store
  • Opens a bridal boutique
  • Works at a bakery
  • 17
    What does Shug Avery say to her father when they finally reconcile?
  • See Daddy, sinners have soul too
  • I love you, Daddy
  • I missed you, Daddy
  • Singers have souls too
  • 18
    Approximatley how many years had it been since Celie and Nettie had seen each other?
  • 15 years
  • 20 years
  • 25 years
  • 30 years
  • 19
    What book do Celie and Nettie read together?
  • Moby Dick
  • Oliver Twist
  • The Swiss Family Robinson
  • Little Women
  • 20
    Which word does Celie not understand?
  • Systematic
  • Intrepid
  • Missionary
  • Philantropist
  • 21
    Who is responsible for Celie and Nettie's reunion?
  • Shug
  • Sophia
  • Harpo
  • Albert
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong